"Documentary films need to be engaging, create a narrative that is authentic and capture the "I was there!" moment, bringing the viewer into the story. Not knowing how something's going to turn out. The art of brining an exceptional story to life. "

John Kean
Wendy Benchley
Nick Brady
Avon by the Sea
Princeton University

Good documentaries have a strange and strong power.
Power to immortalize, ….to archive, ….and to bear witness.
It has the power to both strengthen memory …and alter it. It can give a moment more meaning than it even had
while it was happening. It can recontextualize an image, …a memory, ….a day, …..and reimage it as something else.
Documenting your history is kind of like making poetry out of people’s memories. Allowing you to look at the “big picture” of the time in life,…. how you felt, …..how you remembered it, …..and how you want it to be remembered.